
The Debtec Founder has 14 years of experience in the aerospace industry, working on a long list of Aerospace Projects covering the life cycle of a development project.

It is really important to have an interest in the subject for a project to be a success, this is why Debtec focuses on Aerospace. The Director, Debbie, became involved in aviation at the age of 14 years old with her first flying lesson, this sparked her love of aviation, she continued from then with completing her Private Pilots Licence at 18 years old. She then went on to university to study Maths and Astrophysics, leaving in 2000 with a first class honours degree. Whilst deciding how exactly to make a career in Aerospace. She focused on engineering and joined Hunting Engineering from university this first step gave her training in software coding. The combination of Engineering, Maths, Physics and Software allowed her to join Airbus as a Modelling and Simulation Engineer in the Fuel System Department. In 2006, Debtec Limited was created and has since worked on many projects, further developing and broadening their skills. The projects which Debtec have been involved in have grown the interest in the industry and we are keen to continue as technologies develop for future projects.

Links on this website give details of the projects Debtec have worked on.

Every projects undertaken is approached with enthusiasm and determination. We can provide a proven capability in taking a project from initiation to completion with quality, time and cost management being a key part of its success.

If you would like to discuss any projects, please use get in touch.